
Bound Brook Revitalization Partnership Special Improvement District

Established in 2015

The goal of the Bound Book Revitalization Partnership is to improve the economic potential of all businesses located within the Special Improvement District (SID) and those who will be a part of the future of Bound Brook. By providing a safe, clean and attractive downtown that meets the needs of residents, customers, owners and employees, the BBRP promotes Bound Brook as a desirable location to visit and invest.

What is a SID?

The Special Improvement District is a model for management of the municipality’s commercial corridor. It is authorized by state law to be formed by ordinance in any municipality in New Jersey. The Improvement District provides a mechanism for the businesses and property owners of a community to organize as a single entity, to raise funds for activities that enhance or expand upon municipal services, and through a District Management, to manage themselves to become a more effective destination for commerce.

Board of Trustees

Abel Gomez- Chair
Curt Schmidt- Vice Chair
Wendy Spinner- Treasurer
Mary Swarbrick- Secretary
Dominic Longo- Borough Liaison
John Flanagan
Eric Horowitz
Marisella Gallardo
Rafael Rosario

Natalie Pineiro- Downtown Managing Consultant 

Ana Taborda- Jr. Program Coordinator

Dwayne Barber- Maintenance Manager


The mission of the Bound Brook Revitalization Partnership is to improve the general business climate and specific business development opportunities within the District.
By achieving an economically-healthy, transit-friendly and socially-vibrant downtown, the entire Bound Brook community will benefit.


Target Objectives